Public awareness of environmental issues has never been greater and consumers are eager for innovative products offering eco-friendly alternatives.
Beyond its environmental and functional properties, greenhookTM also brings added value to your business:
- It conveys a positive and eco-responsible image of your brand to the public.
- It sends a strong signal about your environmental commitment.
- It creates preference for your brand > enhance customer loyalty and seduce new clients.
- Innovative and fashionable, it has a strong PR potential for your brand.
- Eco-conceived, greenhookTM is the perfect partner for displaying your ethical or bio clothes collections.

greenhookTM is :
- a registered trademark
- a registered design
- a patented innovation
- the result of a long process of R&D and design
Visit our THE COAT HANGER page to discover the functional and eco-friendly qualities of greenhookTM.
Before you leave our site, why not stop by our online shop and order a pack of hangers to put greenhookTM to the test in your business environment.
Contact us to receive our sales terms